
Overplayed but I still love it! Infinity Pool was a blast. I never would’ve thought Triangle of Sadness would be so rewatchable ... especially consider the “messy” Act 2.

And I read somewhere that Spielberg said Cruise saved Hollywood. Now I like your idea more. Let’s give best picture to top gun!

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Oh man, I'd love for Triangle of Sadness to win as well!! But, alas! I actually hope Maverick can pull it off. It would be great to see Cruise up there as producer close off the night. Would seem like a very fitting end to a Hollywood celebration, and especially seeing he was the belle of the ball last night at the Awards dinner. He's the closest thing to a new Jack Nicholson that we have now.

Triangle would be a fitting continuation of the Parasite thematic storyline for Best Picture winners, calling out elitism and class structure. I hear you that it feels overplayed. But I feel like it's a note we have to keep hitting until something gives. And Ostlund does it so well. But there are no woke points to be had in awarding Triangle. LOL. I'd also be really happy with a win for Banshees, but again, same issue.

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